Fracture Repair Procedure Aftercare
Your pet has undergone an orthopedic fracture repair. Prior to the procedure, your pet received a full examination by their veterinarian and will have had bloodwork done if requested.
​About the procedure
The fracture repair procedure is the surgical treatment of a broken bone in both dogs and cats. The procedure involves correcting the fractured bone. The type of fracture will determine the surgical treatment which may involve utilising bone plates or pins, casts, external fixtures, or a combination of these. The usual procedure time is 2 - 3 hours.
When you collect your pet, they may be quite sleepy following their anaesthetic and procedure. You may offer them a small meal after they have settled in at home. We recommend offering about 1/3 of the size of their usual dinner. Do not be concerned if your pet does not show interest in their food on the first night after their procedure; the main reason they may not be interested in food is possible nausea from the anaesthetic, and/or drowsiness.
Fracture Repair Recovery
It is common for patients to have minimilised weight bearing or usage of the limb following surgery. The time frame of when your pet may begin utilising their limb is case dependent (if you have any concerns about this, please contact the clinic). We generally allow 12-16 weeks for full recovery with frequent rechecks and postoperative radiographs 12 weeks post surgery. If your pet has pins or a plate, these may be removed at the 12 week radiographs.
If a bandage has been placed after surgery, this will be removed 4-5 days following. Suture removal is 10-14 days after surgery. The veterinarian will re-assess the limb and mobility at this time and will advise accordingly. Please book a time with a nurse for the respective treatments.
If your pet has a cast, staff will instruct you on how to maintain this.
Strict rest/crating for the first 2 weeks is instructed. No jumping or excessive movements, and strict leash restraint for toilet breaks.
Exercise will be gradually increased as advised by your veterinarian (please do not adjust these increments yourself as this may delay recovery).
Pain relief and antibiotic medication will be dispensed for administration at home. A nurse will go through the administration instructions at discharge and if you have any questions, please contact the clinic.
Please check the surgical site daily, and watch for any abnormal changes.
If your pet has any other aftercare requirements specific to their procedure, and you are unsure, please do not hesitate to contact the clinic and ask.
You should contact the clinic if:
The surgical site becomes quite red, swollen, or is bleeding (a very small amount of blood is ok).
Your pet is overly lethargic, vomiting or reluctant to eat by the following morning.
You feel your pet may be in pain.
Your pet is licking/chewing at the surgical site. In this case they may require an Elizabethan Collar (cone) to prevent this.
If you have any questions about medications.
If you have any other concerns.
Take away points
Please offer a small amount of food (1/3 of their usual meal size) the night of the procedure.
Do not be concerned if your pet is not interest in food on the first night.
There may be bandage to be removed.
There are sutures that need to be removed 10-14 days post operation.
Your pet will have take home medications.
Keep your pet in a warm environment.
Please keep your pet quiet over the recovery period as instructed by staff.
Check the surgical site daily.