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General Procedure Aftercare


Your pet has undergone a surgical procedure. Prior to the procedure, your pet received a full examination by their veterinarian and will have had bloodwork done if requested.



When you collect your pet, they may be quite sleepy following their anaesthetic and procedure. You may offer them a small meal after they have settled in at home. We recommend offering about 1/3 of the size of their usual dinner. Do not be concerned if your pet does not show interest in their food on the first night after their procedure; the main reason they may not be interested in food is possible nausea from the anaesthetic, and/or drowsiness.


We do recommend keeping your pet quiet following the procedure (time may differ between procedures) to prevent irritation to the surgical site, and/or complications with recovery.


Your pet will have been given medications during their stay at our clinic, and may have take home medications, which a nurse will have discussed with you during discharge. If your pet has any other aftercare requirements specific to their procedure, and you are unsure, please do no hesitate to contact the clinic and ask.


There may be sutures and/or a drain that will need to be removed once the surgical site has healed. Please book an appointment for the appropriate time (3 - 5 days for a drain/10 - 14 days for suture removal, post surgery). If you are not sure whether you need to book a suture removal appointment, please contact the clinic.


Please check the surgical site daily, and watch for any abnormal changes.


You should contact the clinic if:

  • The surgical site becomes quite red, swollen, or is bleeding (a very small amount of blood is ok).

  • Your pet is overly lethargic, vomiting or reluctant to eat by the following morning.

  • You feel your pet may be in pain.

  • Your pet is licking/chewing at the surgical site. In this case they may require an Elizabethan Collar (cone) to prevent this.

  • If you have any questions about medications.

  • If you have any other concerns.


Take away points

  • Please offer a small amount of food (1/3 of their usual meal size) the night of the procedure.

  • Do not be concerned if your pet is not interest in food on the first night.

  • There may be sutures/a drain that will need to be removed.

  • Your pet may have take home medications.

  • Keep your pet in a warm environment.

  • Please keep your pet quiet over the recovery period.

  • Check the surgical site daily.

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